Marie Anita AHAYO
Ms AHAYO Marie Anita, a mother of 4 girls , a nurse by profession, anesthetists by training, a degree for population studies and a master’s in public health. She is a motivator of other women. She believes that being a woman is fantastic and that when women are dedicated, they can hit their targets as much as men. She is the writer of a book “ UMUGORE NI IGITABO” meaning a woman is a book with different chapters, you need just to take time to explore her potential, give her opportunity to show what she is capable of.



RN3, P.O Box 18, Rwamagana, Rwanda

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Personal experience

She worked in hospital for two years, worked with people with HIV AIDS for 5 years before integrating administration service where she was in charge of elaborating treatment modules & policies for treatment and the prevention of HIV and AIDS. Later she performed as a Director in non-communicable disease division within Rwanda Biomedical center.
In total, Anita worked for more than twelve years in the Ministry of health. One of the main responsibility she had was the training of health care providers in all health facilities across the country.

She was also the focal point of HIV AIDS component in Rwanda Demographic and health survey and she had to travel all along the country for the provision of survey tools as well as the supervision of data collection process. She participated also in the DHS analysis.
The idea to open the clinic in a rural region came from the experience she gained while traveling in the less accessible regions of the country. She understood the importance to bring services to the population instead of asking them to travel miles to go to look for services. At that time, private clinics were located only in Kigali and after ST Theresa, other investors understood the importance to invest out of the town.

Anita’s passion is to help people in need. She started a foundation, St Theresa Foundation to take care of adolescents women. The mission is to educate them on reproductive health, to provide short time trainings to help them to gain jobs. Some of them reintegrated primary schools. The other objective is to treat their children at St Theresa Clinic as many of them do not have means to pay for medical consultations and medicines. 22 young women are part of the first cohort of the project. The project is at its early stage but is promising.